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Insight Import -- How/Can I Reference Objects Across Different Schemas?

Jeffrey Bismayer August 23, 2021

I have two Object Schemas:

Location (LOC) and Equip (EQ)

Location contains Region, Site, and Subsite object types. This schema is configures so it is visible by other schemas.

Equip is configured to be visible by other schemas as well and contains a Hardware object with attributes set for Region, Site, and Subsite, all set to reference the Location schema.


I have a CSV containing various hardware and attributes, including the Region, Site, and Subsite. The entries match the Objects in the Location Schema exactly. When I try to import this into the Equip schema, I am unable to figure out the IQL in order to reference Location.

I originally thought this would work, I understand it is incorrect:
ObjectType = "Region" And Key = LOC

I also tried "Region" = $(Region) and Key = LOC

and even Label = $(Region) and Name = $(Region) without luck.

This discussion covers the issue I am having, but the riada ticket system is gone, so I can't check the status of the request.

Has this been implemented? What IQL do I need to reference other schemas at import? Documentation assumes you are referencing objects within the same schema.

Thank you.

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