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Import Users from CSV file

aya el youssoufi November 21, 2023

Hi Atlassian Community!

I want to know if there is any way to create users in jira service management via importing data from csv file. If there is an easy way to do that, let me know.

Thank you.

Best regards.

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November 21, 2023

Hi @aya el youssoufi ,

Welcome to community!

Actually, there is no csv import directly under the user tab, but there is a shortcut. I'm using it to create a new component. If you are an admin user, you have the authority to create a new component, custom field value, and user. If you create test tasks with csv import and write an email to a user who is not on the system in the reporter or assignee column in excel columns, these users will automatically be created on the system.

You can learn the csv import steps from the link.

Import data from a CSV file | Atlassian Support



aya el youssoufi November 21, 2023

Thank you very much 

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Jochen Betz June 17, 2024

Had somebody tried this with importing from JSON into Jira cloud?

It's important for us, that the comments on an issue are associated to the original user who wrote them. The same goes for reporter.
When trying to do this via JSON global import I get an error message stating:

Commenter named not found. Creating issue with currently logged in user instead


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