I would like to retrieve the email addresses of email handlers in the automation process.

Dinonath Khan May 30, 2024

Hey There,


Could someone please assist me in retrieving the email handler's email ID as a smart value in the automation process?

Screenshot from 2024-05-30 19-33-25.png

The current process is as follows: when an email is sent to dina4184@outlook.com, a ticket is created in Jira Service Management.

My requirement is that if any email is received at dina4184@outlook.com, the request type should be set to "Avail Request."

Could someone please explain how to retrieve the email handler's email (dina4184@outlook.com) as a smart value in Automation? Alternatively, is there a way to directly assign the request type "Avail Request" to emails received at this particular email address?

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Rudy Holtkamp
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May 30, 2024

Hi @Dinonath Khan ,

If you create an automation rule in the JSM project and use issue created as trigger and  as condition: reporter = dina4184@outlook.com (assuming that is the default reporter stated in the mail handler).

You can use the 'Edit request type' action to set the request type to Avail Request.

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