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I want to remove the cancel ticket by user from "All open tickets to cancele ticket or close ticket

Patel, Shrey August 10, 2022

Hey community, I want to remove my tickets in which they are canceled by the user which still shows me in the main screen. Which I don't want, I want them to go in separate column which I have customize for "cancel ticket". And for the main screen I have put JQL Query which is  "resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY "Time to resolution" ASC", So what changes I should made so that I can remove the user change status from main queue to other queue.

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Michael Hodgson August 15, 2022

Hi Patel,

Are you able to share a bit more information about how you are currently viewing things, and clarify on the "main screen" please?

Are you looking at this through a queue, filter or dashboard for example? and assuming based on this that it's just one Jira project and not multiple?


Additionally - to clarify, your JQL query of:

"resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY "Time to resolution" ASC"

Is that currently showing those in a status of "cancelled"? 


If so, depending on your view and how you need to see this (trying to visualise) - you might have a few options depending on your end goal.


- Use Automation rules that triggers on an issue transition to cancel ticket 

- If you just need it out of that queue - and it's being picked up in "unresolved" you might want to think about setting a 'post function' up against that status - that updates the "resolution" state

Of course, they are very high level but if you can clarify a bit more around your current set up and end goal I'll try be more specific.



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