I need to add field on screen

Riddhi Kshirsagar June 9, 2023

Hi Team,  

I want to add the fields on the below screen (the screen i am getting while moving the ticket from one state to another). How can i do it?

Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 6.19.37 PM.png

2 answers

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Mark Segall
Community Leader
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June 9, 2023

Hi @Riddhi Kshirsagar - This is defined in the workflow.  Since there's already a transition screen, you'll just need to find which one to modify.  I would take these steps (note - You need to be Jira Admin):

  1. Navigate to the issue workflow
  2. Click on the transition in question (looks like "Escalate")
  3. Click Edit
  4. Note the screen that has been assigned to the transition
  5. Navigate to Settings >> Issues >> Screens
  6. Search for the screen captured in step 4
  7. Update the screen with the desired fields
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Dave Mathijs
Community Leader
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June 9, 2023

Hi @Riddhi Kshirsagar 

I Jira Admin would have to create a transition/workflow screen with the necessary fields (the comment field is always part of a transition screen) and then add that screen to the designated transition between two statuses.

Just to be sure: Do you know if you are working in a company-managed or team-managed project? You can see this in the bottom-left of your screen when you're in the project.

Riddhi Kshirsagar June 11, 2023

I am working on company managed project. 

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