I need to add a field in a form for a Jira Service Management project that contains a link.

Sofia Grunspan
December 19, 2022

Hi! I've been requested to create a project, Jira Service Management and in the form for the portal request type I have to have  2 fields that contains links to policy documentation.

First where is better to store that documentation?

How can I add those links to a field? which type of field can I use? the link shouldn´t be possible to edit.

I hope you can help me, thanks! 


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Mikael Sandberg
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December 19, 2022

You have a couple of options here, you could add the links as part of the instructions so the link is shown at the top of the request like this:

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 4.09.50 PM.png

Or you could use Forms instead and in that form have a section with the links. Your third option would be use Message custom field (for edit).

Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 4.06.31 PM.png

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