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I created an automation rule in Jira Service Management to send email notifications when someone rai

Rajat Samseriya June 6, 2024

I have created an automation rule in Jira Service Management to send an email notification whenever someone raises an issue. While I am receiving the notification emails, they are showing "Jira Automation" as the sender. I would like to change the sender email address to my custom support email ID. Could you please let me know if there is a way to change the sender email address from "Jira Automation" to my custom email ID?

2 answers

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John Funk
Community Leader
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June 7, 2024

Hi Rajat,

At the bottom of the Send email action, click on More options. You will be able to put in additional information. The email that is sent will show that it came from the Name you have provide although it will have beside the name. If they hit reply, it will come to the email address you provide. That's as close as you will get. 

Screenshot 2024-06-07 163036.png

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Stevan Mandić
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June 7, 2024

@Rajat Samseriya  Unfortunately, in Jira Automation emails you can't change FROM: address

The sender email address will always be automation@yourintance.atlassian.,net

The only thing you can do is to change your sender's name (FROM NAME) in your email Action.

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