I could not change assignee part in request!

Ali Ihtiyar September 29, 2023

When I tried to change to assignee part some users can be assigned however some users cannot. All users except administrations have same features.

What I am missing?



2 answers

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Ali Ihtiyar September 29, 2023

They have same roles as service desk team. however some of them can some of them cannot assigned to request as an assignee

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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September 29, 2023

Hi @Ali Ihtiyar ,

The ability to assign users depends on the type of project you're using, and the permissions provided to those users.

If you are using a company managed project (look in lower left corner) then please go to project settings and then permissions. Look at the assignable users permission and assess if those users for which you are unable to assign the issue to actually belong to one of the project roles that are allowed to be the assignee.

if you are using a team managed project, then check to be sure that those users are listed as members and not simply viewers for the project.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
September 29, 2023

Keep responses in this thread for readability.

in JSM projects, you can only assign an issue to an agent. Please go to Project settings and select people. Select "service desk team" in the Roles drop down. Are the users listed as a member of the Service Desk Team?

Ali Ihtiyar September 29, 2023

Yes they are

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