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I can't apply the same "Select List" field in "Request Form" and "Item View".

Miquelino September 30, 2022

I can't apply the same "Select List" field in "Request Form" and "Item View".
When place the "Select List" field in the "Request Form" it leaves the "Item View" screen. I need the same field on both screens.

1 answer

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Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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October 1, 2022

Hi @Miquelino 

I hope you mean "Issue View", the field that you add in the "Request Form" are automatically visible in the "Issue view".

In "Issue view" you can see the field you added in the Fields pane from where you can drag and drop them to the issue layout if required. If you have a separate Screens eg: Create Issue Screen and View/Edit screen, please make sure to add the field in both the screens.

Miquelino October 2, 2022

Perfect, I have a field "Select List", it was registered in the 3 screens that you informed.
I drag the field to the Creation screen, it disappears from the Edit screen.
The "Select List" field appears on 3 screens, but I can only use it on one

Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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October 5, 2022

Hi @Miquelino 

That's the expected behaviour. The Fields that you add/drag in the request form are automatically visible in the issue view, thus you don't need to add/drag them back in Issue View. If the field is filled out by the customer its value will be shown in agent view and it will be shown blank in the agent view if customer left it blank. 

Miquelino October 13, 2022

Thank you very much!

Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 13, 2022

Glad that helped, If my answer was helpful, please mark it as accepted, it will help others having similar question.

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