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I am trying to create a termination form that moves through multiple users. Possible?

Sheldon Connor
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May 8, 2024

I am trying to create a termination checklist form that has to be completed by three different persons. Initiated by someone in HR, sent to someone in MIS for disabling of accounts and then final approval in HR. Is something like this possible in Jira?

2 answers

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Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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May 8, 2024

Hi @Sheldon Connor. Welcome to the community  👋

Answer: Yes. Of course, you can.

May I assume you are new to Jira (since you are also new to the community)? Assuming that you are, you are going to want to learn about Jira workflows.

Check out these (FREE) on-demand courses from Atlassian that can help you quickly become an expert.

If you're already a Jira workflow pro, please pardon the assumption and say more about where you are getting hung up.

Hope this helps,


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John Funk
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May 8, 2024

Hi Sheldon - Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

When you say a checklist form - what are we really talking about? Does it need to be an actual form? Or just fields that get populated as they are approved? You can certainly create a workflow that goes through multiple approval steps. And you have have a screen that pops up to be populated at each approval step. 

Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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May 8, 2024

Looks like I was writing as @John Funk was answering, too.

John asks some good questions that might help all of us understand your question better.

I on the other hand, assumed workflow was where this was headed. However, you know what they say about making assumptions 🫤

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