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How to track and export the activity of our agents?

Ivo Stoyanov May 16, 2024

Hello, everyone,

Our idea is to get weekly/monthly reports with the activity of all agents based on specific actions (for example: writing a comment to a customer or an internal note).

Is there a way to achieve this?

2 answers

1 vote
Dave Rosenlund _Trundl_
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May 16, 2024

Hi, @Ivo Stoyanov.

As I suppose you have discovered, there is no out-of-the-box report for this. You'll need to create a custom report.

And to do that, you may want to brush up on your JQL skills. There's a FREE, on-demand, Atlassian University course for this.

Best of luck,



Ivo Stoyanov May 17, 2024

Hey, Dave,

I'm getting tons of errors when trying to post the comment below. That's why I screenshotted it


0 votes
Ivo Stoyanov May 20, 2024

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

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