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How to switch a task from one sprint to another according to the editing time

Juliana Fernandes Martins February 14, 2023

I need to switch a task automatically from one sprint to another depending on the last edit date. I'm new to jira and I'm not sure how to automate this process.

ex.: I need task 1 to move from A to B within X time, but when in B it can go to C in Y time.
A, B and C are sprints and X and Y different time periods to consider in automating the change.

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Trudy Claspill
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February 14, 2023

Hello @Juliana Fernandes Martins 

Welcome to the Atlassian community!

Are these all active sprints running in parallel?

Typically an issue is assigned to a sprint when the commitment is made to complete the work of that issue within that sprint. It remains in the sprint until the sprint ends. If the work is not completed, then the issue is either moved to another sprint or moved to the backlog.

Can you provide more information about your scenario? What problem are you trying to solve by moving issues from one sprint to another based on when the issue was edited?

Juliana Fernandes Martins February 14, 2023

Thank you for replying!

They are not sprints running in parallel.

The idea of ​​having this change is to organize the period before a sprint, which is currently not happening in an organized or periodic way. In general, the sprint that is taking place will not suffer from such an alteration, since it follows the logic of one.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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February 14, 2023

I think I am still not really grasping your use case. Are you trying to automate sprint planning?

Can you provide a detailed example with fake issue IDs and sprint names, and Last Updated dates to walk us through how you would expect this to work?

Juliana Fernandes Martins February 15, 2023

Of course, I can detail better. I apologize for not being clear earlier.

You are correct in understanding to organize sprint planning, but it is also to remove old and de-prioritized items.

Currently the area that will take care of organizing the jira is under construction, therefore, the current period of the company has a planning organization and jira backlog somewhat messy and dirty with items that should no longer be developed for various reasons.

The idea is to be able to move items from one sprint (which is not and will not be active) to another to be able to organize the sprint planning according to some criteria.

An example would be moving from sprint ID 10 title '10 - design' to sprint ID 13 title '13 - dev' if 30 days pass after the last task update. (names, id and time all fictitious)

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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February 16, 2023

Are the sprints you are moving the issues from and to going to be static? Will it always be from sprint ID 10 to sprint ID 13, or are you going to be creating new sprints such that the issues might be moved from a sprint with a different ID to another sprint with a different ID?

Juliana Fernandes Martins February 17, 2023

Yes, they going to be static

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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February 17, 2023

I would recommend that you use a Scheduled Trigger  for your automation rule. 

- Set the Rule to run daily.

- Include in the trigger a JQL to select issues; i.e.

updated < -30d and sprint not in openSprints() and statusCategory != Done and project=<yourProject> and type = standardIssueTypes()

(If you have additional criteria constraining the issues in the board, like checking for issues with specified Component values, add those criteria to the JQL.)

- uncheck the box that says "only include issues that have changed.


The next step would be an Edit Issue action.

- This action lets you select fields from a list and specify the value to put in the field. However, for the Sprint field it will not let you specify a specific future sprint by name or ID. So you have to use the More Options option, and set the field through JSON, thus:

Screen Shot 2023-02-17 at 1.01.02 PM.png

- Where I put 47 you would put the ID for the sprint.


And that's it; just a trigger and a single action.


You would need one rule for each date range/sprint pairing, using appropriate JQL for each trigger; i.e.

Issues not updated for more than 10 days, but not more than 30 days

updated < -10d and updated > -30d

Issues not updated for more than 30 days

updated < -30d

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