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How to print the ticket resolution in a private comment

Lucrecia F_
I'm New Here
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February 22, 2023

Hi, first question on this community forum.


I'm trying to add some automations to our Service Project. I want to record in a private comment when a ticket has been marked as resolved, what Resolution was chosen. So, the automation rule is similar to: When the issue is transitioned from In Progress to Solved, add a private comment saying:

"Ticket has been transitioned to a solved status with resolution: [[placeholder]]"

For the placeholder, I've used the tag {{issue.resolution}} - However, this prints a "1", not the actual resolution name.

What tag should I use instead, or how can I print the actual name of the resolution?


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John Funk
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February 22, 2023

Hi Lucrecia 


Lucrecia F_
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 22, 2023

Thanks for the quick answer!!

Do you know if there is a list somewhere with these more-detailed tags? I only found this list, which is unclear then, as {{issue.resolution}} does not "return the issue's resolution" as anyone would understand it...

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