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How to prevent duplicate object creation using external imports in Insight

Boswell, Richard October 3, 2022

Anybody know how to prevent the creation of duplicate objects when using external imports? I'm struggling with this, I had hoped that enabling multiple attribute identifiers on an object type (via externalIdPart: true in the mapping) would work but this doesn't seem to.

If I set externaIdPart: true on a single attribute it works - I can create multiple objects that do not have the same value for that single attribute and I can update multiple objects that use the same value for that single attribute. However when I enable externalIdPart on multiple attributes Insight creates objects seemingly regardless of the enabled attribute's values. Does the external import process just compare the incoming object attribute values to each other within the single import or does the external import process compare the incoming object attribute values to import AND the existing objects?


1 answer

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Boswell, Richard October 6, 2022

After working with support we discovered that there's a bug with External Imports when using label in a referenced object's IQL. A workaround is to switch to an attribute key for the referenced object.

In other words this attribute definition

    "attributeName": "Operational Environment",
    "attributeLocators": [
    "objectMappingIQL": "label = ${op_env}",
    "externalIdPart": true

with this object type attribute config

Screenshot 2022-10-06 111111.png

should be changed to

    "attributeName": "Operational Environment",
    "attributeLocators": [
    "objectMappingIQL": "Name = ${op_env}",
    "externalIdPart": true

for the same object type attribute config.

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