How to lookup and auto-populate assets object custom field based on the issue "Reporter" value

ariraati March 13, 2024

Trying to implement Jira automation (when issue created) that would lookup from Jira Assets all hardware assets (schema: Hardware Assets, and its childs like "Laptops", "Phones") and where {{reporter}} is marked in objects attribute field "User".

From the lookup output -> I wish to read the "Name" attributes and store them to my Jira custom Asset Object field named "Hardware". As end results, Hardware information in ticket should be similar to if I added them manually (picture below).



I have tried and read many articles about this, e.g. 

but still I cannot figure out how in Jira automation component Edit Assets field attributes, the attribute update should be set that would eventually update the custom field as desired. 

Can you provide me more detailed instructions and perhaps example of how you have achived to implement this use case OR comment if this is not possible as such?


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Mark Higgins
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March 17, 2024

Hi Ariraati,

Its definitely possible.

In the Custom field Reporter Assets you set up something like:

Assets 1.png

In the IT Employee Assets schema you should have an Owner that references back to the Schema that has your EMployees, like:

Assets 2.png


Over in the People schema, you have the User, which is where the Atlassian ID is stored.

Assets 3.png


So the field will reference Owner.User where the field = the Atlassian ID.


Hope this helps.



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