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How to initialize a specific form with values e.g. from a former request

Günter Halmans May 8, 2024


we would like to make the life of requesters in our Service Portal easier by providing the possibility to use the values of a former submitted form.

In detail:

1. User has created a ticket via form A using the service portal and the request type R1. As a result, the issue ABC-1 is created (in a service project)

2. User wants to add a new ticket using the request type R1 and form A. But he only wants to change a few values compared to issue ABC-1.

The question is, how we could initialize the form (or form template) with values of the issue ABC-1 (however we should trigger this action)?

I have played a bit with the API concerning forms and I'm able to create new forms according an issue, to submit new forms, to change answers in forms...but I do not find any possibility, to initialize the form, which is called when a user clicks on the corresponding request type in a service portal.

Is there a way to realize such an initialization?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


1 answer

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Vijay Dadi
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May 19, 2024

@Günter Halmans ,

Jira provides Clone option. Once the issue is cloned, user can modify the fields which need an update.

Hope this helps !


Günter Halmans May 20, 2024

Hi Vijay,

thank you for your response!

Not really...I'm aware of the clone option, but this would not lead to the same form view than if a customer starts with a new and empty form in the portal. The UI differs between working on a given issue in a form and working on an empty form. The different UI would confuse our customers. Thus, I'm searching for a solution to prefill the fields in an empty form. 

Best regards,



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