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How to grant customers permission to resolve issues?

praktikant3 October 5, 2021


is there a way to allow customers to resolve issues on their own in the customer portal? We're using Service Management Cloud.

I found info that the feature is availible now but I couldn't find the respective article with how to set it up.
Kind regards,

Katsiaryna Klimionak

1 answer

4 votes
Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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October 5, 2021

Hi @praktikant3 

You have to expose the specific transition to the customer. GO to the specific workflow and edit it. Click on the transition you want, and then just click "Show transition in the customer portal".

show transition.png

praktikant3 October 5, 2021

Hi Alex,

thank you very much for such a quick reply.


For some reason I don't have this option when I click on transition. I saw the screenshots from developers that  missed in the article, and tried to do it the same way, but I don't have this function there (see screenshots)Workflow.pngWorkflow transition.png

I also tried to create a new workflow and try it there, but there is still no such functionClose transition.pngHowever, for some reason there are no active workflows, only inactive. Can this be a problem?

Best regards,

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
Community Leader
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October 5, 2021

You can show a transition to a customer only if you are working on a JSM project. If the workflow is inactive, this option will not be visible. You have to assign this workflow to an issue associated with your JSM project.

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