How to get numbered list from issue.description?

leotoqui1567 April 30, 2024

Currently I am automating sending an email each time an issue is created and the issue type is a task. 

For this, I am using {{issue.description}} to include it in the body of the email but it does not take into account that inside description, there is a numbered list and it only returns a # instead of 1. or 2. as I want it to do.

So my question is how can I change the code so it takes this into account?.

-> Text in my description

  1. Request 
  2. Time

-> Text in email

      # Request

      # Time

I also include my html for this point

<div style="margin-left: 20px;"> 
{{issue.description.replace("\n", "<br>")}}

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Tuncay Senturk
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May 5, 2024

Hi @leotoqui1567 

{{issue.description}} provides wiki format. You need to use a Wiki renderer to get HTML-like results. I can't help as I don't know where your code runs, but please check applicable WikiRenderers for your environment.

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