How to establish a connection to Jira Asset Management via Python for Automation ?

Parvin Rao Mageswararao
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November 21, 2023

In my Asset Management feature, I am planning to create an Automation using Python. These are the details of the goal: 

1. In my Asset Management System, there are couple Object Schemas. If click any of those schemas, there is Schema Tree, and in this Schema Tree, there is this section called "Users". 

2. In this "User" section, I can select any Users, and there is a custom attribute that was created and it is called "JiraUser". The goal is, to validate the email address of the user whether the user can be found in the Asset. If the user is found, then automatically update the custom attribute field "JiraUser" with the name of the user that is found. 

I have not found a solution to tackle this situation, therefore seeking help to put me in the right path to achieve this goal. This is an example python script that I have created ( could be your reference if there is something to be chnaged):

Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 11.51.17.pngScreenshot 2023-11-21 at 11.52.08.png

Not sure Python automation for Jira Asset Management is possible or not, but any help will be very much appreicated. Thanks!

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Rudy Holtkamp
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November 21, 2023

Hi @Parvin Rao Mageswararao ,

You could use the atlassian library:

Which also includes JSM api:

If you want to query assets, you could use the from my github repo.

Parvin Rao Mageswararao
I'm New Here
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November 29, 2023

Hi @Rudy Holtkamp


Just have another question to clarify -> the from your github repo is a script in general to connect to the assets section, amd I right ? Since I am specifically targetting the "JiraUser" attribute in the asset management of "Users", how can I achieve this with the script from your repo ?

Thanks for your time and feeback, appreciate it.




Rudy Holtkamp
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November 29, 2023

Hi @Parvin Rao Mageswararao ,

Yes, you can connect to Assets in Jira, e.g get all User objects and get all atributes of each object. Here a little example of printing your users names and the jiraUser attributes. Note that you need to change the credentials and maybe the attribute names.

from assets import assetsConnect

sitename = ""
username = ""
apiToken = "S3cR3t"

# Connect to assets
myAssets = assetsConnect(siteName, username, apiToken)

allUserObjects = myAssets.getObjects('objectType = User')

for userObject in allUserObjects:
   data = myAssets.getObjectData(userObject)
   print(f"{data.get('Name')} - {data.get('jiraUser')}")

Good luck,


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