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How to enable external email to become a ticket

Lucas de Souza July 27, 2024

Good morning everyone.


I have an issue with JSM as the projects were open and externals could create their own account to send us a ticket, someone used this to get the list of users we have. To fix it disable external users being able to create an account, however, it got me another issue if someone external sends an email to our service desk which is not the standard jira email the email does not become a ticket. Someone would have a solution for that?


Thank you very much.

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Valerie Knapp
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July 27, 2024

Hi @Lucas de Souza , thanks for your question and sorry about the situation you are in.

Have you thought about using a Mail Handler? Would this help / solve the problem? 

Here ^ is some docoumentation explaining how they work. Please share your feedback on whether you think this would be a viable solution or not.

Best wishes and good luck!

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