How to delete a rogue Next-gen board & sprint?

Lennart Daldrup November 2, 2018

Hello Atlassian Community,


I recently tested the new Next-gen JIRA project functionality.

After concluding my test I deleted my test project, thinking that it would also remove the corresponding automatically created board & sprint of the Next-gen project as well.


It did not and now I have run into a weird situation.


The automatically created JIRA board and sprint are not accessible anymore, and thus I cannot delete/edit/move them.


When trying to access the JIRA board of the deleted project via the "boards" page, I get an empty JIRA screen (see attached screenshots).





Has anyone else run into this situation? Am I missing something?





2 answers

1 vote
Karim Joseph_ Jr_ September 17, 2019

I know this is old, but I just ran into the same thing.

Any answer to this?

0 votes
Jack Brickey
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November 2, 2018

That sure feels like a bug and as such I would report to Atlassian Support.

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