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How to create a filter that will show Linked Tickets that are CLOSED

Robert Levine September 20, 2022

So, I have 2 teams, a Support Team and a Dev team.  Each team uses a different Project, "SUP" and "DEV"


When the Support team Escalates an item to the Dev team, it creates a linked ticket in the Dev project.


What I want to create is a filter that will show the details of the DEV ticket (Key, Status, Updated) for all OPEN tickets in the SUP project.


This way, the SUP team can track status of items in the DEV project for things they have assigned to Dev.


(I know this can be done by updating the comments on the SUP ticket with DEV updates with Cross-project automations in JIRA Premium, but it is too expensive...) 

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September 20, 2022

Hi @Robert Levine 

If you are open to a mktplace app to visualize the linked issues, you can try out our add-on

Issue Hierarchy Reports 

You can get the status of the linked issues and also add remove columns on the report as per your need.

Links HIerarchy.PNG

Robert Levine September 22, 2022

Sorry... looking for something I can do without add-ons

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