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How to automatically cancel an issue with matching summary as another open issue

Chad Cox October 4, 2021

I want to create an automation rule that, when an issue is created, the summary of that issue is compared with all other currently open issue summaries, and if there is an exact match, the issue that was just created is immediately cancelled/closed.

Any ideas? I've been playing around with the automation to try and get this to work but have been unsuccessful.

3 answers

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Kate Pawlak _Appsvio_
Community Leader
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November 18, 2021

Hi @Chad Cox ,

You can achieve it using our app Issue Merger PRO for Jira. We created an automation module which you configure under project settings. You can define when issues should be merged - in your case when the same summary exists in the project. You can also set some conditions, for example which statuses do you want to check. Of course, this app also allows merging issues manually but I'm not sure if it's helpful for your use case.

I hope that you find our app useful.


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Robert Munoz November 17, 2021

Hi Chad,

If you are still interested in answering your question, perhaps we can work on similar solution together? I'm looking to match up specific text in the description field of issues and its not too far from what you want to do. Please let me know if you are still interested.



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Fabian Lim
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October 5, 2021

Hi @Chad Cox

Not sure if this is possible with jira automation, but you can try using scripting with sil or groovy plugins and apply it as a postfunction when the issue is created.


Chad Cox October 12, 2021

Thanks for your reply, much appreciated!

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