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How to automatic create ticket in JSM (without add the mailbox)

wisanu wirojtecha October 4, 2021

Hi everyone,


As I'm trying to add the automatic method to create a ticket when we received an email with some condition. Then JIRA will create those emails as a new ticket.  As I check in KB I found this article

However, with this instruction, we have to connect JIRA with our email server IMAP or POP that we have some security concerns to do that. 


Does anyone have any idea to handle those cases without connecting JIRA to our email server?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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October 4, 2021

Email uses terms like mail and inbox because it has a real-world analogue - postal mail.  You put an address on an envelope and post it, and the mail arrives through the letterbox or in the mail box a while later.

What you seem to be asking for here is for a letter addressed to Jira to, well, be delivered somewhere, but then not let Jira read or open it, because they don't have access to the house in which the mail arrives.  You can't read mail that's in a house you can't get into.

If you want Jira to be processing emails, it needs to read the email, and to do that, it has to look in the mail box the email has landed in.

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Dirk Ronsmans
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October 4, 2021

Hey @wisanu wirojtecha 

I'm not sure I fully get your requirement.

You'd like to have emails turn in to a ticket but not connect your mailbox? How exactly would you then be able to read those emails..

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