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How to automate junk emails generated by system notification so that they go to a junk email Queue ?

craig orde December 20, 2022

The scenario is within an org 10 email handlers are configured for clients to report service requests.

There are multiple Company wide emails sent out via microsoft AD such as Cyber notifications that get through Jira and create Junk tickets in the via the email handlers. I know there are rules that can be set up to prevent other emails but that doesn't always work. 

Another issue is that clients were using emails as a means to contact support agents but now we use the email handlers. The clients also have email address that send system notifications to the email addresses. Hence if we forward the email address to the email handler we also receive the system exceptions alerts via email.


So my question to you, is there an automation rule to filter all the junk emails to a e.g. junk email queue. 

Thinking to automate them to so the Business Group is changed from Service Desk to: UNASSIGNED if the REQUEST TYPE is not email handler A, B or C and set Label as Junk. 


Any ideas ?





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