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How to add custom fields data in email request?

Dinonath Khan May 7, 2024

so there is a email request in jira service management means through mail we can create the ticket means if i will send a mail to it will create a ticket

so in my request type form there is platform(platform is a custom field) and it is a dropdown in request type form ,so if we raise a request from customer portal than we are getting this platform dropdown we can able to select platform and create a ticket in Jira agent portal it will show selected value of platform, in platform there a options available in dropdown ==> Netflix
so if we are raising tickets from customer portal these options are available in platform(custom fields)
but while creating tickets through mail how can we pass platforms as a customer in email so that it will visible the platforms in tickets, do i need to configure something? please help me on that

Screenshot from 2024-05-07 19-01-49.pngScreenshot from 2024-05-07 20-22-19.png

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Michel Neeser
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May 7, 2024

Hi @Dinonath Khan

Emailed requests are limited to two fields: Summary (which is mapped to the subject of the email) and Description (which is mapped to the content of the email).

If you want to capture additional fields in a structured manner, you would have to guide your customers to the portal directly.

Hope this helps!

Dinonath Khan May 7, 2024

Thanks Michel

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