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How to Create a Jira Validation Rule for Limiting Reservations?

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November 3, 2024


I’m currently working on a validation rule in Jira Service Management to manage reserved time slots for maintenance activities. The requirements are as follows:

1. Reserved Time Slot Validation: I need to limit reservations per date to a maximum of 5. If there are already 5 reservations for a specific date, the system should reject any new requests for that date.

2. Overlapping Time Check: I want to ensure that no new reservations overlap with existing ones. This means if a new reservation's start or end time overlaps with any existing reservation, it should also be rejected.

Currently, I am using an automated rule that calculates the reserved date field and replies to tickets if there's an overlap, but I’d like to set this up as a validation rule so that these checks are applied before a ticket is created.

I have tried using ScriptRunner and JWME (Jira Workflow and Miscellaneous Extensions), but I’ve run into limitations. Unfortunately, Jira expressions do not allow direct access to other issues and their fields, which is essential for determining overlaps across multiple tickets. 

Does anyone have experience with setting up validation rules for calendar-based scheduling constraints like these, or know of any workarounds that could allow cross-issue validation within Jira? Any guidance or examples would be much appreciated :)

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