How do I keep older fields visible to the agent if the fields are moved from a request to a form?

J Roberts January 28, 2025

Hi I have a new requirement that seems to be affecting requests that are currently in the system. I need to move two fields from the request to a form. Doing so removes the two fields from all previously submitted requests. I can no longer see the fields in the agent view ( center space ). What must I do to keep the fields visible for older requests? Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Walter Buggenhout
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January 28, 2025

Hi @J Roberts,

Assuming your JSM project is company managed, you should have a customer focused view (the request form) and an internal focused view (consisting of screens and the issue layout). As long as you keep your fields on the internal screens and layout, the old fields should still be visible to your agent.

Important caveat: when you add fields to a JSM form, you have the option to either link the form fields to Jira custom fields or not. If you don't link the form fields to Jira fields, the custom fields in Jira will no longer be filled out for new issues and can only be seen by agents inside your (attached) form. As long as you do have old issues hanging around and new ones coming in, your agents will have to look for the same information in 2 different places. That is a discomfort that should resolve itself over time (as your old tickets get resolved), but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Hope this helps!

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