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How do I create an SLA to show no customer communication after set period of time?

Tom Hopes March 20, 2024

Looking to create an SLA to ensure there is constant customer communication at least every 2 days. Is that possible?

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Ste Wright
Community Leader
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March 23, 2024

Hi @Tom Hopes 

You should be able to do this - I'd try this...

  • Start counting = Comment: By Customer
  • Finish counting = Comment: By Customer

...however, you might find this creates a loop which does not stop. I'd try it out and see what happens.


An alternative to an SLA might be to use Automation - for example...

  • Create a Date Time Picker custom field
  • Populate the field each time the customer adds a comment
  • Report on tickets with a customer response from over 48 hours ago
  • Send reminders (if needed)


Let us know if either of these work!


Tom Hopes March 25, 2024

Unfortunately first one doesn't work it gives a weird  -217h 53m calculation.

Going to try 2nd one, do you think I'll be able to use the custom field in an SLA config?

Ste Wright
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 25, 2024

Hi @Tom Hopes 

You can't use custom fields in SLAs natively at this time.

The second option is an alternative model which would use a custom field and automation trigger, rather than the SLA.


You might also be able to do this with an App though; check out SLA options on the Marketplace.


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