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How do I change the email from name on a project?

Sheldon T October 4, 2022

I originally had my Service Management project named "ABC". All customer emails sent out from "ABC <>".

I have since changed my project to "XYZ", but all customer emails still come from "ABC <>". How do I change the from address on outbound emails to read "XYZ <>"?


Thanks in advance!

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Sheldon T October 5, 2022

I just found it. It was Portal name. Project > Settings > Portal settings. Within there, Portal configuration tab, Service project information, name.'

When I renamed the project, it does not rename the portal name automatically. Now that I've updated that portal name, the emails show my new project name as well.

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Paul Wiggers
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October 4, 2022

Hello @Sheldon T 

You can only configure the outgoing e-mail address and not the naming. If you have changed the project e-mail (Project > Settings > Notifications) than all should be well. 

It could be that your mail program still remembers the old name, have you tried sending an e-mail to a "new" account?

Let me know if you run into anything else.

Sheldon T October 5, 2022

Thanks for your response @Paul Wiggers

Oddly enough, I just tried a different Gmail account (one I use for testing) that has not been used for emailing to Jira before. The message coming back to me from Jira is still  showing that it is coming from the original project name rather than the new one.

I also changed the email address in Project > Settings > Notifications, changing it from the default "jira" to just "help" and tried again ... still shows that it is coming from the original project name.

Sheldon T October 5, 2022

I just found it. It was Portal name. Project > Settings > Portal settings. Within there, Portal configuration tab, Service project information, name.'

When I renamed the project, it does not rename the portal name automatically. Now that I've updated that portal name, the emails show my new project name as well.

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