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How can i add ticket created date to the customer portal and make it sort-able.

Pavan Lakshminarayana
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January 13, 2020

We would like to add a column to the customer portal of Jira Service Desk that would pull the ticket creation date and want that column to be sortable.

2 answers

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Cristian Ionescu
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January 13, 2020

Hi Pavan,

Go to JQL seach tab and there you can see the column:Created( this is the date when the Ticket was created). You can the export CSV via the Export button from Right Corner. If the Colum do not apprea please add manually from Columns.


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Boyan Angelov
Rising Star
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January 13, 2020


This is not something you can get out of the box. You will need an addon like the one we created - Advanced Portal Reports - where you can add many new columns, sort, rearrange the columns, export to CSV, etc.



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