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How can a customer save a filter for future use in the customer portal?

Antonio Valle _G2_ December 28, 2021


I'm looking for a solution that allows a customer to filter requests in the customer portal, and save this filter for future use.

Which plugin can do this?

Thanks in advance!!

2 answers

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Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
December 28, 2021

Hi @Antonio Valle _G2_ ,

I'm from Deviniti which is the creator of the My Requests Extension for Jira Service Management app. We offer a dedicated requests page where you, as a Jira administrator, can define which fields are available to customers as columns or criteria in the table with requests. Currently, we're working on filters management (this feature is available in data center version). It will be released in Q1'22. Please try our app now and check if it's what you need. We're also open to any ideas for new features!

Best regards,


Product Owner of apps for JSM at Deviniti

Antonio Valle _G2_ December 28, 2021

:-) You read my mind... LOL!

Like Katarzyna likes this
Antonio Valle _G2_ December 28, 2021

@Katarzyna is saving and reusing filter by customers under your planned functionalities in the release planned for Q1'22?


Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
December 28, 2021

Yes, saving and reusing filters are currently under development. We're finishing the first stage. The next stage is adding a possibility to mark filters as Favourites by customers. The last thing is managing saved filters by administrators in the general configuration (very useful if you want to clean up your Jira instance). So, we'll release the whole functionality in Q1, probably it'll be February but it depends on the results of testing stage.

Now, we're testing a refreshed layout of selecting criteria and columns on the Requests page. We're also still adding new supported custom fields, depending on customers' feedback. 

The roadmap is available under this link. You can vote to watch cards, also leave comments.

In case of any questions, feel free to ask :) Leave them here or ask via our customer portal.

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Antonio Valle _G2_ December 28, 2021

@Katarzyna maybe is there any functionality in your products that can solve this?


Or may be @Boyan Angelov _Nemetschek Bulgaria_ ?

I've seen some plugins that can filter, but can't find the "save" and "use saved filter" functionality...

Boyan Angelov _Nemetschek Bulgaria_
Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 28, 2021

Hi Antonio,

We have this feature in our roadmap, but I cannot yet confirm when it will be implemented.



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