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How can I make my automation rule send alerts within working hours?

Esther Amunga September 21, 2021

Hello AC,

I am working on an automation rule that sends an alert to the ticket assignee to remind the assignee to update the customer/reporter/user.  The reason for this is because assignees forget to give timely updates.  After the ticket has been resolved the reminder stops.Automation rule 2.PNG

The rule works but as per the attached image, it seems it may run outside working hours.

How can I prevent this from happening?

Also after the high/highest priority incident has the status resolved, I want the rule to stop sending the alerts

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Sloan N_ B_
Rising Star
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September 21, 2021

Hi Esther

With the help of CRON expressions this is possible. So the advanced option of scheduled triggers. You can read about the CRON Expressions in Jira automations here: 

I think 0 0 9-17 * * * should run an automation every full hour during 09 am to 05 pm. Best try it yourself in a test project or just notifying yourself. :)

And edit the JQL query adding status != resolved if you want to exclude issues that are in workflow status resolved. Alternatively resolution is EMPTY might also fit your use case.

Best Regards

Esther Amunga September 24, 2021

Hello @Sloan N_ B_ 

Thank you for the response but the rule seems to be picking the basic configuration over the cron one.

I do not want the rule to run past working hours/days.  Also time zone could be an issue here.  Please advise.  See attached imagesbasic expression.PNGCron expression.PNG

Sloan N_ B_
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 29, 2021

Does this happen too if you recreate the trigger?

Automations in Jira Cloud are using cron is UTC based, you would need to compare what UTC is in your timezone.

Esther Amunga September 30, 2021

Let me recreate the trigger in my test environment I will update you

Esther Amunga September 30, 2021

I want to know if the system picks basic over cron expression.  I feel basic does not have all the options I could exploit to make my rule work well.

I want to schedule a reminder that sends an email to an assignee every 4 hours, MON-FRI for Highest and High priority incidents.

Esther Amunga October 11, 2021

Actually, I figured this out, since the CRON expression displays on the left, that is the one the system will use.  The CRON expression I used is correct.

I used a CRON syntax generator (googler helped here :-) ) to get it since I was new at this.  The only thing I had to figure out here is the UTC time zone.  I converted my time which is in EAT/CAT to UTC to know which time intervals work for me and this worked.

Thank you for the support.

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