How can I create an automation to email a specific customer organization?

Mark Ellis January 2, 2025

In one of our service management projects, we have multiple customer organizations.

There is a main client customer organization, along with a few of their partners, each having their own organization.

I've created an automation to add a selected partner organization, when the reporter selects a specific field value (do you want partner organization to see: YES).

My challenge is, I've turned off "Organization Added" notifications to prevent our entire Org from being notified on creation.

I've found this smart value,

but my understanding is it only retrieves the first Organization value, which should be our organization (the default)


Is there a way to use a smart value to email, "Partner Organization 1" (assuming that's the name of the Org)?

2 answers

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Mark Ellis January 3, 2025

Hi @Trudy Claspill , thanks for the response and the questions.

I've edited my original post. All of this is about Organizations. None of the customers are Users in our instance, so adding them to specific Organizations limits their view to only their own Orgs requests and prevents us spending a seat for each of them.

What field in your JSM issue is being set to identify the "groups" that should be notified?

I have a custom field that is a simple selection of either YES or NO. The field is, "Client Partner - visibility", and the answer is prompted by, "Would you like this request to be shared with your partner organization?"

Which Organization is "your entire Org" and how and why is that Organization getting added to every issue?

The Organization in which every request, no matter the service desk, is shared with is our internal Organization. Everyone in the company should have access to view any request through the portal, from every client, should they need to.
So, that is shared automatically on creation. Our internal Organization contains 1500 members and while they should be able to search/view any request, they get very upset when they get notifications for every event. Also note that only our technical teams and some management folks are Users in Jira, but everyone has access to the portals to submit, view, and comment on requests.

What field in your JSM issue is being set to identify the "groups" that should be notified?

"Organizations" is the field being set and "Partner Organization 1" is added, so in that field, there would now be "Internal Organization" and "Partner Organization 1" as values.

Because Organization Added notifications have been disabled for reasons I mentioned before, I intend to email the people in "Partner Organization 1", so that they can opt in on following the request.

I'm including an image here with private info blurred out. Also note that in the last step, I'm using a test email to make sure it sends, which works. The only part I'm missing is if I can add the partner organization for the email. I do realize I can just add everyone in the Orgs email address there, but that's terrible from a management perspective, because anytime someone is added or removed from the Org, they'll also need to be added/removed from the automation.


Mark Ellis January 3, 2025


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Trudy Claspill
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January 2, 2025

Hello @Mark Ellis 

Can we clarify a few points first?

You started out talking about customer "groups" and ended up talking about Organizations.

Are you actually using Organizations within JSM, or are you using User Groups?

What field in your JSM issue is being set to identify the "groups" that should be notified?

What field is being updated by the Automation rule that responds to the "do you want partner group to see: YES" setting? Can you show us that automation rule?


The "Organization Added" notification is listed under Customer Notifications and is used to notify members of the added Organization about the issue. You say when it is on it notifies "your entire Org" when issues are created. Which Organization is "your entire Org" and how and why is that Organization getting added to every issue?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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January 3, 2025

Hello @Mark Ellis 

Thank you for the additional information.

It is currently not possible to specify a JSM Organization as the recipient of a Send Email action. There is an open change request about that.

The alternatives to use are:

1. Create User Groups that match the Organizations and add the Organizations to the corresponding User Groups.

2. Use the Send Web Request action to call the REST API to get the members of an Organization. Parse the response body to extract the emails of each member and add them to the Send Email Action.

Mark Ellis January 6, 2025

Thanks for your help @Trudy Claspill .

Sadly, it routinely seems that is the answer for how can I ________ in Jira. "It is currently not possible to........"

I may explore your recommendation of creating User Groups. I think the only challenge there is that User groups can't be limited to single portals, can they?

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