How can I build dashboards for managers which displays all of their team members tickets?

Evan Smith December 5, 2022

I would like to build a dashboard which would allow any manager to view the status of tickets submitted by themselves and their team members.

When building the filters, I initially used the currentuser jql syntax but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to further select for team or group from there. I see how to build teams in jira, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of using advanced search to look for teams or groups.

assignee = currentUser() OR reporter = currentUser()
status changed BY currentUser() OR reporter = currentUser() 
OR watcher in (currentUser()) OR assignee = currentUser() 
OR assignee was currentUser() OR commentedByUser = currentUser() 

An alternative would be to build individual dashboards for each Manager and add each of their subordinates to the search. I'm hoping there's a better way because there's a lot more room for error in this method. 

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Mark Segall
Community Leader
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December 5, 2022

Hi @Evan Smith - Without a marketplace app like Rich Filters, you're going to run into challenges.  Natively, you'd need to create individual dashboards for each team.

Evan Smith December 5, 2022

Thanks @Mark Segall 

I might have to give Rich Filters a try. Do you have any others to recommend or would that do the job?

Evan Smith December 5, 2022

Also, can you tell me what's blocking me from searching by Team here? I have it sorted for all tickets and all issue types.


Mark Segall
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 5, 2022

Do you have any others to recommend or would that do the job?

I've also used Quick Filters in my past.  I believe both provide a decent trial period if you want to give both a try. 

can you tell me what's blocking me from searching by Team here?

Team is specific to Advanced Roadmaps and I believe it only works with shared teams.  When I attempt from my test environment, the only option that shows up is my shared team.

Evan Smith December 5, 2022

Thanks! I will give Quick Filters and Rich Filters a try.

Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Atlassian Partner
February 6, 2023

Hi @Evan Smith,

I am Marlene from codefortynine.

If you haven't done yet, you can check out some basic features of Quick Filters for Jira Dashboards without installation on our demo dashboards.

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