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How To Show SLA In Dashboards

Varun Purohit July 15, 2020

Hi Everyone,

I wanted to create a filter for "Time to First Response" to show on Dashboard.

can someone help me with jira query to filter Time to First Response.  


Jira Dash.PNG

1 answer

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 17, 2020

Hello @Varun Purohit

Thank you for reaching out.

The Time to first response gadget will display the number of hours taken to respond to issues for a specific project or filter you configure for it. 

In order to give you the exact JQL query to configure the filter as you need, can you please describe to us what issues you want to be displayed in the "Time to first response" Gadget? 

In other words, please think about the field values the issue must have to be added to this gadget (Project, Priority, status, etc).

Let me give you a practical example:

Let's suppose you want that gadget to display the issues from project "TEST" with priority "High" where the SLA "time to first response" is breached. This would be the JQL syntax:

project = test and priority = High and "time to first response" = breached()

In the documentation below, you can find all the details related to JQL syntax and how to add SLA fields in the JQL query:

What is advanced searching in Jira Cloud? 

Write JQL queries for SLAs 

Let us know if you have any questions.

Michal Klucz January 31, 2024

Hello Petter,

I would like to replicate the reports we have inside our project like percentage (!!) SLA met vs breached.

I know how to count good vs bad, but in dashboard gadget I can only count them, I cant to more complex math.

And the average hour is worthless information, as I may have 100 tickets, and 2 of them waiting for 100h because of unknown factors while 98 are on time. 

while something available in project reports is not accessible in dashboards?

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