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Help linking from a JSM Article to a Confluence page

Tobias H
Rising Star
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February 14, 2023

We want to be able to add links to Confluence pages within our JSM Articles, but whenever we do Atlassian messes with the URL to add some parts that tries to open the page directly within JSM, rather than taking the user to the Confluence page (see image below).


The original URL is "[...][....]" but when viewed from within the articles it adds some extra parts (/plugins/servlet/servicedesk/customer/confluence/shim) to the URL.

Is anyone aware if this is intended, or if we are doing anything wrong? Would be really happy if it was possible to solve this :)

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Dan Breyen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 10, 2023

Are you using the linking built into JSM? I'm on the cloud and have been linking pages to JSM issues and haven't had any problems.  I have a 'Knowledge Base' link on my right form, and a 'Link Confluence page' on the left form. The URL that JSM is adding to the confluence page is the same URL as if I typed it in.

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