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Group not found in Notification Scheme

Ken Loh January 7, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam

I have created an user group and would like to add this group in Notification Scheme so that the group members can receive notifications. But when I search the group name, it's showed "No Matches". 

Is there any step that I have missed?

Thank you.

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Walter Buggenhout
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January 8, 2023

Hi @Ken Loh,

What may be happening here is that searching group names in Notification Schemes is case sensitive. If your group is named e.g. Jira-users and you search for it like this: jira-users, it will not be found in the list of groups.

Hopefully this helps!

Ken Loh January 8, 2023

Thank you, I was able to search it.

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Ste Wright
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January 7, 2023

Hi @Ken Loh 

The process would usually be to:

  1. Create the Group via User Management
  2. Add the Group to a Notification Scheme using the appropriate setting

Is this the process you followed?

Just to clarify the process in Step (2) - as a Jira Admin:

  1. Go to Jira Configuration > Issues
  2. Select Notification Schemes from the left-hand menu
  3. Select your Notification Scheme
  4. Either choose to Add to a single notification, or to multiple using the appropriate hyperlink
  5. Select Group using the radio buttons
  6. Locate the Group and select it - then save the modification


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Joseph Chung Yin
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January 7, 2023

@Ken Loh 

To supplement what @Ste Wright suggested, please note that when you modify the Notification Scheme, please keep in mind that there one or more projects using the notification scheme that you are changing.  If you only want to your user group for notification for your specific project, then you will need to create a new notification scheme by copying the existing scheme.  

Afterward, make your changes against the new notification scheme and associate it to your specific project.  This way, the changes only impact your specific project only and not other ones.

Hope this also helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

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