Retrieving a value (text) from the ProForma form
Currently, Proforma only keeps the ID of the list field in the JSON and returns the associated value when the form is displayed. Therefore, due to only obtaining the ID of the selected option (not the response itself), unfortunately accessing the list field values does not work for smart values. This is a known limitation.
However, after conducting extensive research and testing, I found a very effective solution where it is possible to retrieve the value of the selected option (yes, retrieve the text of the option) using Jira Automation and Assets. Assets will function in this scenario as an information repository and for each object, it will provide me with an ID which I will link in the automation so that Jira Automation can correlate the Proforma ID to the object ID in Assets.
Why use Assets?
By creating a custom field using Assets, it is possible to obtain the values (text) of the field through the Key (custom number) of the object. In other words, the mission in the automation is to locate the Key (example: BSM-1234) of the object through the JSON that ProForma provided. It is worth noting that it will only be possible to locate the Assets object ID if you link a custom field in the form in the format "Assets" (or insights).
What is the logic in using Assets for this?
By observing the structure of the JSON provided by ProForma, I identified that only the number after the ":" (colon) is variable. In other words, the initial structure remains, so what I need to do is map the structured information in Assets to the ID that ProForma provides me with.
In my case, our Support team has severity matrices based on the product, and therefore, each type of issue has a different severity for priorities such as High, Blocker, Medium, and Low.
Based on this, I structured a schema to have:
Finding the object number in JSON ProForma:
Look in the “Entite Properties” (JSON) of the ticket for the value after the “:”
Note that only the numbers after the ":" (colon) change and the initial structure remains!
JIRA Automation - Creating the automation
After structuring Assets with the information I need to search via automation, I started creating the logic:
I hope this article helped you!
Thanks :)