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Get the Issue assets custom field value

Yogesh Mude April 26, 2023


We have an asset custom field called "Department". Whenever HR will raise a new ticket they will select the new joiner of the department he/she belongs to, And based on the selected department the ticket should get the Department Lead attribute value of the Department Object and add it to the Employee Lead User custom field.

Any idea or suggestion how we can acheive this through the Jira Automation rule on cloud.

Thank you in advance.

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Tansu Akdeniz
Community Leader
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April 26, 2023

Hi @Yogesh Mude 

Welcome to the community.

Use this in Automation Edit Issues action:

  • {{issue.customfield_xxxxx.objectAttribute}}


  • {{issue.customfield_xxxxx.Department Lead}}

customfield_xxxxx -> User Department cf ID

Yogesh Mude April 26, 2023

Hello @Tansu Akdeniz 

I want the department lead based on the Department selected on the issue.

How can i check what is Department is selected and then get the department lead of the department?

Thank you

Yogesh Mude April 27, 2023

here is the correct one.


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