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Free live webinar Platform engineering

Benedikt Dollinger November 10, 2023



Hello Atlassian Community,

This marks my first discussion in our community, so please bear with me if I've chosen the wrong topic or title. Your patience is much appreciated! 😊

I'm excited to announce an upcoming webinar hosted by XALT on November 17th, 2023, from 10 - 11 AM (GMT +1):
"Empower Platform Engineering: AWS Account Creation with JSM Cloud" 

In this webinar, my colleagues Chris and Ivan will explore the world of self-service solutions and their transformative impact on business operations. Join us to understand why self-service is crucial for your company and role and witness how it can revolutionize your operations.

Save your spot here:


Introduction to Self-Service Solutions: Discover the essential role of self-service in business and explore its transformative potential.

Business Problem Solving: Focus on AWS Account Provisioning as we showcase the before-and-after outcomes, highlighting significant time and cost savings.

Power of Self-Service on Jira Service Management: Uncover why we've chosen the JSM cloud for our solution and break down the high-level architecture. Learn how we're implementing business processes for account provisioning in JSM.

Live Demo Session: Witness the creation of a JSM Cloud Demo, showcasing account creation, documentation from Cloud Confluence, approvals, asset management, and Infrastructure as Code pipelines for accounts.

Q&A Session: Engage with our experts and get your questions answered.


🚨 Don't miss out on this game-changing webinar! Please mark your calendars for November 17th, and we look forward to having you join us for this insightful session.



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