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Forms - Creating Jira Issue without Basic Auth

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May 15, 2024

Hello I have created a web-based forms running on my localhost. The idea is: whenever the users in my organization submitted a form, it will automatically create an issue with the Reporter field being their name. I cannot use Basic Auth as it is a large group of people meaning I cannot get their API Token or ask them to create an API Token not to mention with basic auth using password being deprecated, I cannot create a login to get the credentials.

I'm looking for alternatives that might help me. Thank you very much

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Olha Yevdokymova_SaaSJet
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
May 29, 2024

Hello @Fed 

It sounds like you're facing a common challenge when trying to bridge external web forms with Jira.

Have you considered using Smart Jira Forms developed by my team to solve this? Here's how it could streamline your process and eliminate the need for individual API tokens or Basic Auth.

Smart Jira Forms offers a combination of features that perfectly addresses your scenario:

  1. Embedded Forms: Easily embed your web-based forms (even from localhost) directly into Jira issues or Confluence pages. This allows your users to submit data within Jira's familiar interface, eliminating the need for separate logins.

  2. Create Issue Functionality: Upon form submission, Smart Jira Forms can automatically create a new Jira issue with pre-populated fields.

How It Works:

  1. Form Submission: When a user submits your embedded form, Smart Jira Forms captures the data.
  2. Issue Creation: Smart Jira Forms uses the user's information to create a new Jira issue, automatically mapping form fields into corresponding issue fields.
  3. Form Submission Triggers Automation: When a user submits your embedded form, Smart Jira Forms creates the Jira issue, which then triggers your pre-configured Jira Automation rule.

  4. Conditions for Assignment: The automation rule evaluates specific conditions based on the form data. For example, you could assign the issue to a particular team if the "Department" field is "Marketing". 

  5. Automatic Assignment: If the conditions are met, the automation rule automatically assigns the issue to the designated user or team.

Let me know if you'd like a more detailed demonstration of how Smart Jira Forms can address your specific use case. I'm happy to help!

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