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Follow-up date as a variable in custom notifications

Helene Otte December 20, 2022

I would like to add the follow-up date as a variable to a custom notification - so the customer can see when I would like to follow-up on the task.


Can I do the and if yes how do I do that. 


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John Funk
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December 20, 2022

Hi Helene  - Welcome to that Atlassian Community!

I would create a custom field with a Date type. Then you can populate the field and keep it updated based on an Automation rule. 

Helene Otte December 21, 2022

Hi John 

That sounds easy, but I am really new in Jira - so do you have a guide I can follow, I have tried to search the internet but with out luck. 

John Funk
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December 21, 2022

Not really a guide but I can tell you steps more or less.

What is the criteria on how the follow-up date will be calculated? I am assuming it will be something related to the Due Date, such as 10 days prior to the Due Date or something like that? 

Let's start with that so I can give better guidance. 

Helene Otte December 21, 2022

The follow-up date will not be calculated it is a date we can choose when we respond on a task see attached picture. Follow-up.JPG

John Funk
Community Leader
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December 21, 2022

Okay - looks like you have that added. What additional functionality are you needing? 

Helene Otte December 21, 2022

The date is not visible for the customer.

I would like it to appear in the customer notification I send to the customer, like the “${request.status}”. 

So it would be like this if I choose follow-up date add a date and click follow-Up - I do not have to write anything to the customer - unless I have something personal to add. 

The status has changed to "Follow-up date" ( “${request.status}”. ) I will look at your case again the "follow up date"

Waiting for follow-up date.JPGDo it makes sense? 

John Funk
Community Leader
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December 21, 2022

I think I am following you, but I would not use the Automation for Jira functionality and not the built-in automation of the project. 

You would go to Settings (gear icon) > System > Global Automation

Then create the automation rule there. 

Helene Otte December 23, 2022

I do not think you understand what I want, and maybe I have to high demands? 

I will try to explain again. 

In the customer notifications I would like that the follow-up date I choose in the respond to the customer is added automatic. Like ${request.status}, ${} ect. 

So in the costumer notification it says:
The status I change to follow- up and I will follow- up on your task the 1st of January

So the text in bold is added automatically with at variable, is it possible to added the follow-up date as a variable? 

John Funk
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 23, 2022

Let me see if I follow you. You execute a transition, which causes the pop up to appear above. You put a date if the Follow-up date field. Then you click on the Follow Up button.


If so, then I would create a new Automation Rule for the notification email. Create it with a Field Value Change trigger and select the Follow-up date field. 

Then add a new action for Send Email. There you can select the Reporter in the To: field. 

In the body of the email you can use something like:

Dear {{issue.reporter.displayName}}:

I will follow- up on your task on {{issue.Follow-up date.longDate}}

Give that a try and see if it works for you. 

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