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Filter issue scope - exclude selected object in another custom field of same filter scope

Hannes Vorholz September 28, 2022

Hello together,

i have 2 custom issue fields of type insight pointing to the same object.

let s say 

- Accountable (customfield_1)

- Responsible (customfield_2)

Both are same:

Object schema: Company Info

Filter scope (IQL): Objecttype = "Employee"

My Request Form contains both fields as required.

What i need?

I want to exclude the selected values from the one field in the selectable objects of the other field. (to not getting the same person in the both fields)

I tried to accomplish this using the "Filter issue scope" but had no success yet

e.g. not working is "key != ${customfield_1}"or key != ${customfield_1.key} as the Filter issue scope in Responsible.

what are your thoughts?



2 answers

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Hannes Vorholz September 30, 2022


I opened a case on this and got a valid solution. 

Issue Filter Scope: 

objectId NOT IN ${customfield_11111}

Where customfield_11111 points to the foreign custom field with the same Objecttype.

Why using other attributes is not working was not clarified.

hope this will help others.



Mark Segall
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September 30, 2022

Thanks for sharing the solution!

0 votes
Mark Segall
Community Leader
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September 28, 2022

Hi @Hannes Vorholz - This is an interesting use case.  May I ask first, why you've split your selection into multiple fields rather than making your first field multi-select?  

As for the issue at hand, it should theoretically work as designed.  I even played with a few variants in my test environment with the same result:

  • Name != ${customfield_xxxxx.Name}
  • id != ${}
  • key NOT IN (${customfield_xxxxx})

I think you may have stumbled upon a bug where you cannot use the not equal or not in on a Filter Issue Scope.  I would recommend raising it with Atlassian Support to be sure.

Hannes Vorholz September 28, 2022

@Mark Segall Hi Mark, 

>>May I ask first, why you've split your selection into multiple fields rather than making your first field multi-select? << 
When using a multi-select i would never know who is the accountable and who ist the responsible, woudln't I.


Thanks for confirming my confusion. I will open a case and report the outcome here. thanks


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