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Field value change trigger not working for created issues

Kelly Wehbi February 10, 2023

We have an Automation created to pull data from an external source and update a field in JSM, and are currently using the "Field value changed" trigger. Everything works just fine when the value is changed in an issue that already exists, but it won't run properly when a new issue is created. We have "For: All issue operations" set, so it's not limited to specific actions. I don't understand what the "Create issue" operation is for if it doesn't consider a value going from NULL to something as a "field change." Any idea how to deal with this, other than duplicating the rule to have one for issue creation and one for issue updates?


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Mark Segall
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February 10, 2023

Hi @Kelly Wehbi 

Is the issue being created via the portal or is it created from another automation?  If the latter, you'll need to make sure the Allow Rule Trigger checkbox is set on the Rule Details.

If the issues are in fact coming in through the portal, can you please advise as to whether the rule triggers at all when an issue is created (any new entries in the audit log)?

Kelly Wehbi February 10, 2023

@Mark Segall It’s on the portal. The logs show it was run, but there’s condition to check when it runs. It comes back as false when the issue is created, but true when it’s an edit. 

Mark Segall
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February 10, 2023

Can you please share a screenshot of the rule?  It's a good sign that it is at least triggering.

Kelly Wehbi February 13, 2023


@Mark Segall Had to share a GIF cause it's pretty long. Can also confirm the POST requests are working just fine.

Mark Segall
Community Leader
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February 13, 2023

Thanks for sharing the screenshot. The fact that the rule is triggering means that you would likely have the same result on issue create.  I would recommend adding a log action just after the send web request action so you can see what's coming back in the web response. 

Kelly Wehbi February 13, 2023

It works fine on Edit issue. If we change the value in the field after the ticket is created, everything works as expected. This is only failing to properly update when an issue is created.

Mark Segall
Community Leader
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February 13, 2023

I understand the situation, but according to your previous response, the issue is triggering on issue create, but quickly exiting due to not meeting a condition.  So, it would be worth adding a log entry after the send web request to see what is coming back in that instance where an issue is created vs what comes back when the issue is edited.

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