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External facing client portal update tickets

M Ryan August 5, 2022

We would like to create an external facing client portal where external customers can create tickets and also modify or close tickets created by our internal client service team. Is this possible? Can we create any reporting/dashboards for the external clients?

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Mark Segall
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August 5, 2022

Hi @M Ryan and welcome to the community!

We would like to create an external facing client portal where external customers can create tickets

Yes this is default capability.  Once you set up the portal, you just need to add customers.

and also modify

I see you're on JSM Server so the answer is No (at least not natively).  With JSM cloud you could get around this with Forms, but this is not available for server.

or close tickets created by our internal client service team

Yes with two parts to this:

  1. As long as they are the reporter.  Your agents would need to create issues on their behalf
  2. In the underlying issue type workflow, the close transition would need to be made available to the customer

Can we create any reporting/dashboards for the external clients?

No - There may be a 3rd party app, but not natively.

M Ryan August 5, 2022

Thank you so much for your reply!

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