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External Customer Portal

Dorothy Callahan
July 5, 2023

Hi all,

We have JSM and have set up 4 portals for requests.  We would like to hide the 3 portals that are for internal requests.  I am unable to find a portal setting that allows me to limit access to just 1 of the 4 portals for our external customers.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Community Leader
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July 5, 2023

Hi, @Dorothy Callahan 

You can limit access to your projects in Customer Permissions section, in Project settings.


Dorothy Callahan
July 5, 2023

I apologize.  My question was limiting access to a portal group.  We want to limit access to external customers to only the group outline in redPortal settings_ limit access to portal groups.png

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 5, 2023

Understood. As far, as I know, it's impossible out of the box.

But it can be made with additional plugin, like

Dorothy Callahan
July 5, 2023

So one JSM account can't have multiple portal URLs I'm guessing.

Dorothy Callahan
July 7, 2023

Is my assumption above correct?

Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 7, 2023

Hi, @Dorothy Callahan 

Sorry, missed your question

No, a Jira Service Management cloud account cannot have multiple portal URLs. In Jira Service Management, each project is associated with a single customer portal URL. The customer portal is the interface where customers can submit requests and track their progress. While you can have multiple projects within a Jira Service Management instance, each project will have its own unique customer portal URL.

If you need to have multiple portal URLs for different purposes or teams, you would need to create separate Jira Service Management instances or accounts, each with its own unique URL.

Dorothy Callahan
July 7, 2023

I was pretty sure that would be the answer but not the answer I wanted.  Thanks so much.

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Kai October 26, 2023

@Evgenii Picking up on your answer that mutliple unique customer portal, each with a district URL -> it seems that customization, e.g. banner, logo etc. is only possible on the "base customer portal".

Example: my Unique portal url is

When i click on the customization panel on the right, it will change the url to ,omitting the /6.


Any chance I can customize each individual portal?

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