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Exposing Object attributes to forms

Allan Herejias March 20, 2024

Hello everyone,

I am working on a form and my intent is to use my main field 'Position number' (a field linked to an asset object 'Position') as the value that the users will select. Once the user have selected a value in Position Number. Other fields in the form will automatically populate (e.g. Supervisor's position number and Position name)

Position attributes on forms.jpg

is there a way for Jira form to do this? Position Name and Supervisor position number is expected to just be a read only field that gets populated depending on the Position Number


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Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
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March 20, 2024

HI @Allan Herejias and welcome to the community,

This is not possible in the way you want (auto-populate), you can restrict the number of selections in the other fields. But my question is, why does a user need to give this information as it is already known by the asset? If a user selects the correct object, you can show the attributes in the agent view.


Allan Herejias March 20, 2024

Hi @Rudy Holtkamp ,

Thanks for your reply. Really appreciate it.

The user does not need to give all the information, the intent is for them to see on a glance the other details of the specific object in the asset schema by just providing the position number. Also I forgot to mention that this is all in context of user populating a form through ticket portal - which I believe from that view does not have any visibility of assets/object details & graph.


Rudy Holtkamp
Community Leader
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March 21, 2024

Correct, portal users do not have access to asset details.

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