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Export data from submitted forms

JD September 15, 2022

Hello all,

We are using the new forms feature as dynamic fields are quite useful. What we are looking to achieve is to export the submitted data of each form into either an excel file, an external database or something that could get pulled from the API.

Any ideas on how this could be achieved?


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Mikael Sandberg
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September 15, 2022

Currently you can only go into each issue and manually download the form as a PDF or XLSX. There is no API at the moment but Atlassian is working on it and it is scheduled to be available in Q1-Q2 2023 according to their public roadmap.

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May 22, 2023

Hi Mikael, any update on this work allowing download of issue form as PDF or XLSX via api?  Please advise. Thanks.

Galen Scott
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October 18, 2023
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