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Estimate time custom field

Petr AST September 14, 2022

Hi there!

We are using Timesheet Reports and Gadgets for JIRA Cloud plugin and there is a question - How to create custom field to give time estimate?
Our request goes through several stages, at each stage a new assignee appears, so we would like to estimate in advance the time that the task can spend at a certain stage.
After looking at the solutions, I did not find anything similar.
Does anyone have any ideas?

Maybe there are other plugins that allow you to perform this task?

Thanks a lot!

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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September 14, 2022

Hi @Petr AST 

I don't know about plugins, but why you don't break that task into smaller chunks (subtask) and provide estimates to these subtasks? I find it a better way of knowing how much time that could take and by who.

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February 16, 2023

Hi @Alex Koxaras _Relational_ 


I am in a similar situation and very new to the software.  I do not see how to add an estimated time to any issues or subtasks. 

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